[Analogue-commits] r116 - in pkg: R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun Apr 26 11:12:55 CEST 2009

Author: gsimpson
Date: 2009-04-26 11:12:54 +0200 (Sun, 26 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 116

residLen, no longer generic,
internal functions in residLen exposed externally and documented;
new plot methods for residLen objects.

Added: pkg/R/densityplot.residLen.R
--- pkg/R/densityplot.residLen.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/densityplot.residLen.R	2009-04-26 09:12:54 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+`densityplot.residLen` <- function(x, ..., xlab = NULL,
+                                   ylab = NULL) {
+    ## produce the data object
+    n.train <- length(x$train)
+    n.pass <- length(x$passive)
+    dat <- data.frame(lengths = c(x$train, x$passive),
+                      type = rep(c("Training Set", "Passive"),
+                      times = c(n.train, n.pass)))
+    ## labels
+    if(is.null(xlab)) {
+        if(attr(x, "method") == "cca") {
+            xlab <- expression(paste(Squared ~ chi^2 ~
+                residual ~ distance))
+        } else {
+            xlab <- "Squared Euclidean residual distance"
+        }
+    }
+    if(is.null(ylab)) {
+        ylab <- "Density"
+    }
+    ## plotting
+    densityplot(~ lengths | type, data = dat, layout = c(1,2),
+                n = 100, xlab = xlab, from = 0, ...)

Added: pkg/R/hist.residLen.R
--- pkg/R/hist.residLen.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/hist.residLen.R	2009-04-26 09:12:54 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+`hist.residLen` <- function(x, breaks = "Sturges",
+                            freq = TRUE,
+                            probs = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99),
+                            ncol = 1, lcol = "red",
+                            llty = "dashed",
+                            xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
+                            main = "Residual distances",
+                            rug = TRUE,
+                            ...) {
+    ## quantiles of resid distance
+    q.train <- with(x, quantile(train, probs = probs))
+    ## labels
+    if(is.null(xlab)) {
+        if(attr(x, "method") == "cca") {
+            xlab <- expression(paste(Squared ~ chi^2 ~
+                residual ~ distance))
+        } else {
+            xlab <- "Squared Euclidean residual distance"
+        }
+    }
+    if(is.null(ylab)) {
+        if(freq) {
+            ylab <- "Frequency"
+        } else {
+            ylab <- "Density"
+        }
+    }
+    ## plotting
+    op <- par(oma = c(4,0,5,0), las = 1, no.readonly = TRUE,
+              mar = c(1.5,4,1,2) + 0.1)
+    on.exit(par(op))
+    layout(matrix(1:2, ncol = ncol))
+    h.train <- hist(x$train, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE, ...)
+    h.passive <- hist(x$passive, breaks = h.train$breaks,
+                      plot = FALSE, ...)
+    y <- if (freq)
+        c(h.train$counts, h.passive$counts)
+    else {
+        y <- c(h.train$density, h.passive$density)
+        if (is.null(y))
+            c(h.train$intensities, h.passive$intensities)
+        else y
+    }
+    y.lim <- range(0, y)
+    plot(h.train, main = "", xlim = range(h.train$breaks),
+         ylab = ylab, freq = freq, ylim = y.lim)
+    abline(v = q.train, col = lcol, lty = llty)
+    with(x, rug(train, side = 1))
+    axis(1)
+    axis(2)
+    axis(3, at = q.train,
+         labels = paste(round(probs*100), "%"),
+         las = 2)
+    box()
+    title(ylab = ylab)
+    plot(h.passive, main = "", xlim = range(h.train$breaks),
+         ylab = ylab, freq = freq, ylim = y.lim)
+    abline(v = q.train, col = lcol, lty = llty)
+    with(x, rug(passive, side = 1))
+    axis(1)
+    axis(2)
+    box()
+    title(ylab = ylab)
+    title(xlab = xlab, outer = TRUE, line = 2)
+    title(main = main, outer = TRUE, line = 3)
+    layout(1)
+    invisible(list(train = h.train, passive = h.passive))

Added: pkg/R/histogram.residLen.R
--- pkg/R/histogram.residLen.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/histogram.residLen.R	2009-04-26 09:12:54 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+`histogram.residLen` <- function(x, ..., xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
+                                 type = c("percent","count","density")) {
+    ## produce the data object
+    n.train <- length(x$train)
+    n.pass <- length(x$passive)
+    dat <- data.frame(lengths = c(x$train, x$passive),
+                      type = rep(c("Training Set", "Passive"),
+                      times = c(n.train, n.pass)))
+    ## labels
+    if(is.null(xlab)) {
+        if(attr(x, "method") == "cca") {
+            xlab <- expression(paste(Squared ~ chi^2 ~
+                residual ~ distance))
+        } else {
+            xlab <- "Squared Euclidean residual distance"
+        }
+    }
+    if(missing(type))
+        type <- "count"
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    ylab <- switch(type,
+                   count = "Frequency",
+                   percent = "%",
+                   density = "Density")
+    ## plotting
+    histogram(~ lengths | type, data = dat, layout = c(1,2),
+              xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)

Added: pkg/R/plot.residLen.R
--- pkg/R/plot.residLen.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/plot.residLen.R	2009-04-26 09:12:54 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+## plot method for "residLen"
+`plot.residLen` <- function(x, probs = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99),
+                            ncol = 1, lcol = "red",
+                            llty = "dashed",
+                            xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
+                            main = "Residual distances",
+                            rug = TRUE,
+                            ...) {
+    ## compute densities
+    d.train <- with(x, density(train, from = 0))
+    d.passive <- with(x, density(passive, from = 0))
+    y.lim <- range(0, d.train$y, d.passive$y)
+    x.lim <- range(0, x$train)
+    ## quantiles of resid distance
+    q.train <- with(x, quantile(train, probs = probs))
+    ## labels
+    if(is.null(xlab)) {
+        if(attr(x, "method") == "cca") {
+            xlab <- expression(paste(Squared ~ chi^2 ~
+                residual ~ distance))
+        } else {
+            xlab <- "Squared Euclidean residual distance"
+        }
+    }
+    if(is.null(ylab)) {
+        ylab <- "Density"
+    }
+    ## plotting
+    op <- par(oma = c(4,0,5,0), las = 1, no.readonly = TRUE,
+              mar = c(1.5,4,1,2) + 0.1)
+    on.exit(par(op))
+    layout(matrix(1:2, ncol = ncol))
+    plot(d.train, type = "n", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE,
+         xlim = x.lim, ylim = y.lim)
+    abline(h = 0, col = "lightgrey")
+    abline(v = q.train, col = lcol, lty = llty)
+    with(x, rug(train, side = 1))
+    lines(d.train)
+    axis(1)
+    axis(2)
+    axis(3, at = q.train,
+         labels = paste(round(probs*100), "%"),
+         las = 2)
+    box()
+    title(ylab = ylab)
+    plot(d.passive, type = "n", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE,
+         xlim = x.lim, ylim = y.lim)
+    abline(h = 0, col = "lightgrey")
+    abline(v = q.train, col = lcol, lty = llty)
+    with(x, rug(passive, side = 1))
+    lines(d.passive)
+    axis(1)
+    axis(2)
+    box()
+    title(ylab = ylab)
+    title(xlab = xlab, outer = TRUE, line = 2)
+    title(main = main, outer = TRUE, line = 3)
+    layout(1)
+    invisible(list(train = d.train, passive = d.passive))

Modified: pkg/R/print.residLen.R
--- pkg/R/print.residLen.R	2009-04-25 11:39:07 UTC (rev 115)
+++ pkg/R/print.residLen.R	2009-04-26 09:12:54 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -1,15 +1,27 @@
 ## print method
 `print.residLen` <- function(x,
-                             digits = min(3, getOption("digits") - 4),
+                             digits = min(4, getOption("digits") - 4),
                              probs = c(0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), ...) {
     writeLines(strwrap("Squared residual lengths",
         prefix = "\t"))
-    cat("\nCall:\n")
-    cat(paste(deparse(x$call), "\n\n"))
-    cat("Quantiles of training set lengths:\n")
-    print(with(x, quantile(train, probs = probs)), digits = digits)
-    cat("\nQuantiles of passive sample lengths:\n")
-    print(with(x, quantile(passive, probs = probs)), digits = digits)
+    writeLines(strwrap(pasteCall(x$call)))
+    cat("\n")
+    writeLines(strwrap(paste("Ordination Method:",
+                             attr(x, "method"))))
+    cat("\nQuantiles of residual lengths:\n\n")
+    quant <- with(x,
+                  data.frame(rbind(quantile(train,
+                                            probs = probs),
+                                   quantile(passive,
+                                            probs = probs)
+                                   )
+                             )
+                  )
+    names(quant) <- as.character(paste(probs * 100, "%",
+                                       sep = ""))
+    rownames(quant) <- c("Training Set:", "Passive:")
+    print(quant, digits = digits)
+    invisible(x)

Modified: pkg/R/residLen.R
--- pkg/R/residLen.R	2009-04-25 11:39:07 UTC (rev 115)
+++ pkg/R/residLen.R	2009-04-26 09:12:54 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -1,82 +1,95 @@
 ## compute the squared residual length statistic for a constrained
 ## ordination given a single constraint
-`residLen` <- function(train, ...) {
-    UseMethod("residLen")
-`residLen.default` <- function(train, env, passive,
-                               method = c("cca", "rda"), ...) {
-    ## inline functions
-    ## fitted values for passive samples
-    fittedSuppl <- function(ord, newdata, csum) {
-        #########################################################
-        ## Fitted values for passive samples
-        ## Arguments:
-        ## ord     = vegan ordination object (CCA/RDA)
-        ## newdata = matrix of passive species data with same
-        ##           columns as that used to fit ord
-        ## csum    = colum sums for the training data
-        #########################################################
-        ## species scores
-        b <- predict(ord, type = "sp")
-        ## site scores
-        xi <- predict(ord, newdata = newdata, type = "wa")
-        fik <- sweep(1 + (xi %*% t(b)), 2, csum / sum(csum),
-                     "*")
-        ## fitted values
-        fik <- sweep(fik, 1, rowSums(newdata), "*")
-    }
-    sqrl.uni <- function(X, colsum, fik) {
-        #########################################################
-        ## Squared residual length for unimodal methods
-        ## Arguments:
-        ## X      = species data (training or passive) to which
-        ##          we want to find the residual length
-        ## colsum = column sums for the training species data
-        ## fik    = fitted species data for either the training
-        ##          or passive samples
-        #########################################################
-        yip <- rowSums(X)
-        ypk <- colsum
-        ypp <- sum(ypk)
-        A <- (sweep(X, 2, ypk, "/") - sweep(fik, 2, ypk, "/"))^2
-        B <- sweep(A, 2, ypk, "*")
-        C <- rowSums(B / ypp)
-        res <- (1 / (yip / ypp))^2 * C
-        return(res)
-    }
-    ## merge train and passive
-    dat <- join(train, passive)
-    train <- dat[[1]]
+`residLen` <- function(X, env, passive,
+                       method = c("cca", "rda")) {
+    ## merge X and passive
+    dat <- join(X, passive)
+    X <- dat[[1]]
     passive <- dat[[2]]
-    ## check env is same length as nrow(train)
-    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(length(env), nrow(train))))
-        stop("'train' and 'env' imply different numbers of observations")
+    ## check env is same length as nrow(X)
+    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(length(env), nrow(X))))
+        stop("'X' and 'env' imply different numbers of observations")
     ## ordinate
         method <- "cca"
     method <- match.arg(method)
-    ##if(method == "rda")
-    ##    .NotYetUsed("method = \"rda\" not currently implemented.")
     FUN <- match.fun(method)
     ## ordinate
-    ord <- FUN(X = train, Y = env)
+    ord <- FUN(X = X, Y = env)
     ## fitted values
     fit <- fitted(ord, type = "response")
-    ## colSums of train
-    ypk <- colSums(train)
+    ## colSums of X
+    ypk <- colSums(X)
     ## predict locations for the passive
-    pred <- fittedSuppl(ord, passive, ypk)
+    pred <- fittedY(ord, passive, ypk)
+    ## calc sqdists
+    if(method == "cca") {
+        train <- sqrlUnimodal(X, ypk, fit)
+        passive <- sqrlUnimodal(passive, ypk, pred)
+    } else {
+        train <- sqrlLinear(X, fit)
+        passive <- sqrlLinear(passive, pred)
+    }
     ## system.call
     .call <- match.call()
     .call[[1]] <- as.name("residLen")
-    ## residual lengths for train
-    res <- list(train = sqrl.uni(train, ypk, fit),
-                passive = sqrl.uni(passive, ypk, pred),
-                ordination = ord,
-                call = .call)
+    ## residual lengths for X
+    res <- list(train = train, passive = passive,
+                ordination = ord, call = .call)
     class(res) <- "residLen"
     attr(res, "method") <- method
+fittedY <- function(ord, newdata, colsum) {
+    ## Fitted values of response for samples
+    ## Arguments:
+    ## ord     = vegan ordination object (CCA/RDA)
+    ## newdata = matrix of passive species data with same
+    ##           columns as that used to fit ord
+    ## colsum  = colum sums for the training
+    ## species scores
+    b <- predict(ord, type = "sp")
+    ## site scores
+    xi <- predict(ord, newdata = newdata, type = "wa")
+    ## predict fitted values
+    if(inherits(ord, "rda")) {
+        fik <- xi %*% t(b)
+    } else {
+        fik <- sweep(1 + (xi %*% t(b)), 2,
+                     colsum / sum(colsum), "*")
+        fik <- sweep(fik, 1, rowSums(newdata), "*")
+    }
+    ## fitted values
+    return(fik)
+sqrlUnimodal <- function(Y, colsum, fitted) {
+    ## Squared residual length for unimodal methods
+    ## Arguments:
+    ## Y      = species data (training or passive) to which
+    ##          we want to find the residual length
+    ## colsum = column sums for the training species data
+    ## fitted = fitted species data for either the training
+    ##          or passive samples
+    yip <- rowSums(Y)
+    ypk <- colsum
+    ypp <- sum(ypk)
+    A <- (sweep(Y, 2, ypk, "/") - sweep(fitted, 2, ypk, "/"))^2
+    B <- sweep(A, 2, ypk, "*")
+    C <- rowSums(B / ypp)
+    res <- (1 / (yip / ypp))^2 * C
+    return(res)
+sqrlLinear <- function(Y, fitted) {
+    ## Squared residual length for linear methods
+    ## Arguments:
+    ## Y      = species data (training or passive) to which
+    ##          we want to find the residual length
+    ## fitted = fitted species data for either the training
+    ##          or passive samples
+    res <- rowSums((Y - fitted)^2) / ncol(Y)
+    return(res)

Added: pkg/man/densityplot.residLen.Rd
--- pkg/man/densityplot.residLen.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/densityplot.residLen.Rd	2009-04-26 09:12:54 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+\title{Lattice density plot for residual lengths}
+  Lattice \code{\link[lattice]{densityplot}} method for
+  \code{\link{residLen}} objects.
+\method{densityplot}{residLen}(x, ..., xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL)
+  \item{x}{Object of class \code{"residLen"}, the result of a call to
+    \code{\link{residLen}}.}
+  \item{xlab, ylab}{Axis labels. If not supplied, suitable defaults are
+    generated, depending on whether RDA or CCA was used as the
+    underlying ordination model.}
+  \item{\dots}{Additional arguments passed to
+    \code{\link[lattice]{densityplot}}.}
+  Returns an object of class \code{"trellis"}. See
+  \code{\link[lattice]{densityplot}} for details.
+\author{Gavin L. Simpson}
+\seealso{\code{\link{residLen}}, \code{\link{plot.residLen}},
+  \code{\link{hist.residLen}}, \code{\link{histogram.residLen}}.}
+data(swapdiat, swappH, rlgh)
+## squared residual lengths for RLGH
+rlens <- residLen(swapdiat, swappH, rlgh)
+## plot the density functions of the residual distances

Added: pkg/man/hist.residLen.Rd
--- pkg/man/hist.residLen.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/hist.residLen.Rd	2009-04-26 09:12:54 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+\title{Histogram plot for residual lengths}
+  Base graphics histogram plot method for \code{\link{residLen}}
+  objects.
+\method{hist}{residLen}(x, breaks = "Sturges", freq = TRUE,
+     probs = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99), ncol = 1, lcol = "red",
+     llty = "dashed", xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
+     main = "Residual distances", rug = TRUE, ...)
+  \item{x}{Object of class \code{"residLen"}, the result of a call to
+    \code{\link{residLen}}.}
+  \item{breaks}{How breakpoints for the histogram are determined. See
+    \code{hist} for more details.}
+  \item{freq}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, the histogram graphic is a
+    representation of frequencies, the \code{counts} component of the
+    result; if \code{FALSE}, probability densities, component
+    \code{density}, are plotted (so that the histogram has a total area
+    of one). Defaults to \code{TRUE}}
+  \item{probs}{numeric; vector of probability quantiles to compute from
+    the sets of residual distances.}
+  \item{ncol}{numeric; number of columns for the plot layout. Choices
+    are \code{1} or \code{2}. Determines whether the histograms are
+    plotted above or beside each other.}
+  \item{lcol, llty}{colour and line-type for the quantiles.}
+  \item{xlab, ylab}{Axis labels. If not supplied, suitable defaults are
+    generated, depending on whether RDA or CCA was used as the
+    underlying ordination model.}
+  \item{main}{character; title for the plot.}
+  \item{rug}{logical; should rug plots of the actual distances be drawn?}
+  \item{\dots}{additional arguments passed to \code{hist}.}
+  A plot on the current device.
+  Returns a list with two components (\code{train} and \code{passive}),
+  each of which is an object returned by \code{hist}.
+\author{Gavin L. Simpson}
+\seealso{\code{\link{residLen}}, \code{\link{plot.residLen}},
+  \code{\link{histogram.residLen}}, \code{\link{densityplot.residLen}}.}
+data(swapdiat, swappH, rlgh)
+## squared residual lengths for RLGH
+rlens <- residLen(swapdiat, swappH, rlgh)
+## plot a histogram of the residual distances

Added: pkg/man/histogram.residLen.Rd
--- pkg/man/histogram.residLen.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/histogram.residLen.Rd	2009-04-26 09:12:54 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+\title{Lattice histogram plot for residual lengths}
+  Lattice \code{\link[lattice]{histogram}} method for
+  \code{\link{residLen}} objects.
+\method{histogram}{residLen}(x, ..., xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
+          type = c("percent", "count", "density"))
+  \item{x}{Object of class \code{"residLen"}, the result of a call to
+    \code{\link{residLen}}.}
+  \item{xlab, ylab}{Axis labels. If not supplied, suitable defaults are
+    generated, depending on whether RDA or CCA was used as the
+    underlying ordination model.}
+  \item{type}{Character string indicating type of histogram to be
+    drawn. \code{"percent"} and \code{"count"} give relative frequency
+    and frequency histograms, and can be misleading when breakpoints are
+    not equally spaced. \code{"density"} produces a density scale
+    histogram.
+    See \code{\link[lattice]{histogram}} for further details.}
+  \item{\dots}{Additional arguments passed to
+    \code{\link[lattice]{histogram}}.}
+  Returns an object of class \code{"trellis"}. See
+  \code{\link[lattice]{histogram}} for details.
+\author{Gavin L. Simpson}
+\seealso{\code{\link{residLen}}, \code{\link{plot.residLen}},
+  \code{\link{hist.residLen}}, \code{\link{densityplot.residLen}}.}
+data(swapdiat, swappH, rlgh)
+## squared residual lengths for RLGH
+rlens <- residLen(swapdiat, swappH, rlgh)
+## plot a histogram of the residual distances

Added: pkg/man/plot.residLen.Rd
--- pkg/man/plot.residLen.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/plot.residLen.Rd	2009-04-26 09:12:54 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+\title{Plot method for residual lengths}
+  Base graphics plot method for \code{\link{residLen}} objects.
+\method{plot}{residLen}(x, probs = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99), ncol = 1,
+     lcol = "red", llty = "dashed", xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
+     main = "Residual distances", rug = TRUE, ...)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{x}{Object of class \code{"residLen"}, the result of a call to
+    \code{\link{residLen}}.}
+  \item{probs}{numeric; vector of probability quantiles to compute from
+    the sets of residual distances.}
+  \item{ncol}{numeric; number of columns for the plot layout. Choices
+    are \code{1} or \code{2}. Determines whether the histograms are
+    plotted above or beside each other.}
+  \item{lcol, llty}{colour and line-type for the quantiles.}
+  \item{xlab, ylab}{Axis labels. If not supplied, suitable defaults are
+    generated, depending on whether RDA or CCA was used as the
+    underlying ordination model.}
+  \item{main}{character; title for the plot.}
+  \item{rug}{logical; should rug plots of the actual distances be drawn?}
+  \item{\dots}{additional arguments passed to \code{plot}.}
+  A plot on the current device.
+  Returns, invisibly, a list with two components (\code{train} and
+  \code{passive}), each and object of the type returned by
+  \code{density}.
+\author{Gavin L. Simpson}
+\seealso{\code{\link{residLen}}, \code{\link{plot.residLen}},
+  \code{\link{histogram.residLen}}, \code{\link{densityplot.residLen}}.}
+data(swapdiat, swappH, rlgh)
+## squared residual lengths for RLGH
+rlens <- residLen(swapdiat, swappH, rlgh)
+## plot a histogram of the residual distances

Modified: pkg/man/residLen.Rd
--- pkg/man/residLen.Rd	2009-04-25 11:39:07 UTC (rev 115)
+++ pkg/man/residLen.Rd	2009-04-26 09:12:54 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 \title{Squared residual length diagnostics}
   The squared residual length between the fitted values of a constrained
@@ -9,19 +11,31 @@
   transfer function models.
-residLen(train, ...)
+residLen(X, env, passive, method = c("cca","rda"))
-\method{residLen}{default}(train, env, passive,
-         method = c("cca","rda"), \dots)
+fittedY(ord, newdata, colsum)
+sqrlLinear(Y, fitted)
+sqrlUnimodal(Y, colsum, fitted)
 %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
-  \item{train}{data frame; the training set species data.}
+  \item{X}{data frame; the training set species data.}
   \item{env}{vector; the training set environmental data.}
   \item{passive}{data frame; the passive samples species data.}
-  \item{method}{the ordination technique to use. Only \code{"cca"} is
-    currently supported.}
-  \item{\dots}{additional arguments passed to methods.}
+  \item{method}{the ordination technique to use. One of \code{"rda"} or
+    \code{"cca"}, with the latter the default.}
+  \item{ord}{an ordination object, the result of a call to
+    \code{\link[vegan]{cca}} or \code{\link[vegan]{rda}}.}
+  \item{newdata}{Species data matrix for passive samples. Must have same
+    columns as data used to fit \code{ord}.}
+  \item{colsum}{column (species) sums for training set data used to fit
+    \code{ord}.}
+  \item{Y}{Original species data matrix, the response for which squared
+    residual lengths are to be computed.}
+  \item{fitted}{The fitted values of the response derived from the
+    constrained ordination model.}
   The squared residual lengths are computed for the training set samples
@@ -29,8 +43,23 @@
   fitted in the transfer function model will have large squared residual
   distances between the observed species data and the fitted values from
   the constrained ordination.
+  \code{residLen} is the main user-interface function and can be called
+  with either the training data and passive samples.
+  \code{fittedY} returns the fitted approximation of the passive sample
+  response data (i.e. species data). \code{sqrlLinear} and
+  \code{sqrlUnimodal} return the squared residual distances between the
+  observed species data and the fitted values from the constrained
+  ordination model.
+  \code{fittedY} returns a matrix of fitted species abundances for
+  passive samples.
+  \code{sqrlLinear} and \code{sqrlUnimodal} return a vector of
+  residual distances.
   \code{residLen} returns an object of class \code{"residLen"} with the
   attribute \code{"method"} set to \code{"method"}. This object is a
   list with the following components:
@@ -56,6 +85,9 @@
 ## squared residual lengths for RLGH
 rlens <- residLen(swapdiat, swappH, rlgh)
+## as before but using linear RDA
+residLen(swapdiat, swappH, rlgh, method = "rda")

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