<div dir="ltr">Hi there,<br><br><br>I'd like to understand the role of set.seeds and the criteria chosen in the DAPC examples according to the two examples presented in the lattested version of DAPC tutorial.<br><br>
I used to see set. seeds(N?) in the context of significance as well as bootstrap Monte Carlo procedures, but not within multivariate techniques or even with datasets.<br><br>At page 20 from DAPC tutorial there is a set. seed(4) before getting the loadingplot. Also, another example at page 39, before split the dataset microbov in two parts. And by the way, what is 20 in the sample(e,20....)? 20 individuals picked at random from all microbov populations?<br>
<br><br>So, I do have two questions. <br>One is "why to use them?" here in these particular examples? <br>The second one "what criteria were behind the choice of the number 4 in the former case, and the number 2 in the latter?  <br>
<br>How do I know which seed will be the best one for my datased in case I need to have the loadingplot? <br><br>Thanks in advance,<br>M.<br></div>