Hi,<br><br>I'm new using adegenet. I have a multifasta file aligned and I'm trying to load it using fasta2genlight but I get this error:<br><br>Error en if (!ext %in% c("FASTA", "FA", "FAS")) warning("wrong file extension - '.fasta', '.fa' or '.fas' expected"),<br>
<br>I really appreciate if some one can help me.<br><br>Thanks<br clear="all"><br>Felix<br><br>Felix Eugenio Enciso-Rodriguez MSc.<br>Research Assistant<br>Plant Molecular Genetics Laboratory<br>Biotechnology and Bioindustry Center (CBB)<br>
Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (CORPOICA)<br>Colombia<font color="#888888"><br>Phone: <a value="+15714227300">57-1-4227300 Ext:1427</a></font><br><br>