Hi Dr. Jombart and Adegenet users,<br><br>I have a question related to DAPC that I have not found in the manual, tutorials or forum archive.<br><br>I am wondering what the DAPC operation is doing (i.e. how it is configuring clusters relative to each other) when you <br>
do not use the groups created in "find.clusters" (i.e. grp$grp output), but rather use the population of origin as the <br>group designation (i.e. dataset$pop)? <br><br>I ran "find.clusters" and performed the DAPC with these created groups. I also performed a DAPC with the groups set <br>
as the sampling sites (populations of origin) using the number of clusters derived from k-means. Interestingly, the DAPC using the k-means <br>groupings don't make a lot of intuitive sense. However, the DAPC results using the sampling sites/populations of origin for the group <br>
designation make sense and correspond closely to the output from STRUCTURE using their location prior. <br><br>So I am wondering if using the sampling site/population designation as the group designation is (A) analogous to the <br>
STRUCTURE operation using the location prior or "population flags", and (B) if this is valid if you have good a priori information on <br>your population delineations (e.g. a species breeding in discrete, contained habitats)?<br>
<br>Thank you so much in advance for any insight you can provide. <br><br>Jon<br><br><br>