[adegenet-forum] Combining genetic and phenotypic data?

Jean-Luc LEGRAS jean-luc.legras at supagro.inra.fr
Thu Sep 25 16:02:15 CEST 2014

I am a adegenet user, and I saw the discussion about the joined analysis of phenotypic and genetic data: “
[adegenet-forum] Combining genetic and phenotypic data?

one year ago.  We have genotyped yeast population by sequencing had pheotyped them as well for the production of many metabolites.
I was wondering if you have already implemented such functions in adegenet, are if this is on the way.
Thank you in advance for your answer.

Best regards.

PS: Je suis désolé d’avoir raté votre passage à Montpellier, mais j’étais pris le jour de votre visite au printemps dernier.

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