[adegenet-forum] Help: pbm conversion of a fasta alignement to Genlight

Emmanuel WICKER emmanuel.wicker at cirad.fr
Mon Jun 9 17:23:47 CEST 2014

Hi all
I tried and convert a fasta alignment to a genlight object, and I had the following message:

> toto=fasta2genlight("EGL_ARB_originaux_160913_TRIM.fas")#my command

 Converting FASTA alignment into a genlight object... 

Loading required package: parallel

 Looking for polymorphic positions... 
Error in mclapply(txt, function(e) strsplit(paste(e[-1], collapse = ""),  : 
  'mc.cores' > 1 is not supported on Windows

ANy help ?
I run R under Windows 7, adegenet version 1.4.2
Thank you

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