[adegenet-forum] lost in the manual

mchiappero at efn.uncor.edu mchiappero at efn.uncor.edu
Mon Dec 28 14:24:17 CET 2009


I´m trying to learn how to use Adegenet. I have a basic knowledge of R, but I feel so lost in the Adegenet manual... I need a lot of help, please! 
The first thing would be to have an input file to exercise: can anyone provide me a simple input matrix as an example? Maybe it would help me to understand the instructions in the manual.
Thank you!

Marina B. Chiappero
Genética de Poblaciones y Evolución
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Av. Velez Sarsfield 299
(5000) Córdoba. Argentina

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