[adegenet-commits] r641 - pkg/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri May 21 14:30:26 CEST 2010

Author: jombart
Date: 2010-05-21 14:30:25 +0200 (Fri, 21 May 2010)
New Revision: 641

another try...

Modified: pkg/R/basicMethods.R
--- pkg/R/basicMethods.R	2010-05-21 12:23:51 UTC (rev 640)
+++ pkg/R/basicMethods.R	2010-05-21 12:30:25 UTC (rev 641)
@@ -1,3 +1,147 @@
+setMethod("$","genpop",function(x,name) {
+    return(slot(x,name))
+setMethod("$<-","genpop",function(x,name,value) {
+  slot(x,name,check=TRUE) <- value
+  return(x)
+# '[' operator
+## genind
+setMethod("[", "genind",
+          function(x, i, j, ..., loc=NULL, treatOther=TRUE, drop=FALSE) {
+              if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE
+              if (missing(j)) j <- TRUE
+              pop <- NULL
+              if(is.null(x at pop)) { tab <- truenames(x) }
+              if(!is.null(x at pop)) {
+                  temp <- truenames(x)
+                  tab <- temp$tab
+                  pop <- temp$pop
+                  pop <- factor(pop[i])
+              }
+              ## handle loc argument
+              if(!is.null(loc)){
+                  loc <- as.character(loc)
+                  temp <- !loc %in% x at loc.fac
+                  if(any(temp)) { # si mauvais loci
+                      warning(paste("the following specified loci do not exist:", loc[temp]))
+                  }
+                  j <- x$loc.fac %in% loc
+              } # end loc argument
+              prevcall <- match.call()
+              tab <- tab[i, j, ...,drop=FALSE]
+              if(drop){
+                  allNb <- apply(tab, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE) # allele absolute frequencies
+                  toKeep <- (allNb > 1e-10)
+                  tab <- tab[,toKeep, drop=FALSE]
+              }
+              res <- genind(tab,pop=pop,prevcall=prevcall, ploidy=x at ploidy, type=x at type)
+              ## handle 'other' slot
+              nOther <- length(x at other)
+              namesOther <- names(x at other)
+              counter <- 0
+              if(treatOther){
+                  f1 <- function(obj,n=nrow(x at tab)){
+                      counter <<- counter+1
+                      if(!is.null(dim(obj)) && nrow(obj)==n) { # if the element is a matrix-like obj
+                          obj <- obj[i,,drop=FALSE]
+                      } else if(length(obj) == n) { # if the element is not a matrix but has a length == n
+                          obj <- obj[i]
+                          if(is.factor(obj)) {obj <- factor(obj)}
+                      } else {warning(paste("cannot treat the object",namesOther[counter]))}
+                      return(obj)
+                  } # end f1
+                  res at other <- lapply(x at other, f1) # treat all elements
+              } # end treatOther
+              return(res)
+          })
+## genpop
+          function(x, i, j, ..., loc=NULL, treatOther=TRUE, drop=FALSE) {
+              if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE
+              if (missing(j)) j <- TRUE
+              tab <- truenames(x)
+              ## handle loc argument
+              if(!is.null(loc)){
+                  loc <- as.character(loc)
+                  temp <- !loc %in% x at loc.fac
+                  if(any(temp)) { # si mauvais loci
+                      warning(paste("the following specified loci do not exist:", loc[temp]))
+                  }
+                  j <- x$loc.fac %in% loc
+              } # end loc argument
+              prevcall <- match.call()
+              tab <- tab[i, j, ...,drop=FALSE]
+              if(drop){
+                  allNb <- apply(tab, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE) # allele absolute frequencies
+                  toKeep <- (allNb > 1e-10)
+                  tab <- tab[,toKeep, drop=FALSE]
+              }
+              res <- genpop(tab,prevcall=prevcall)
+              ## handle 'other' slot
+              nOther <- length(x at other)
+              namesOther <- names(x at other)
+              counter <- 0
+              if(treatOther){
+                  f1 <- function(obj,n=nrow(x at tab)){
+                      counter <<- counter+1
+                      if(!is.null(dim(obj)) && nrow(obj)==n) { # if the element is a matrix-like obj
+                          obj <- obj[i,,drop=FALSE]
+                      } else if(length(obj) == n) { # if the element is not a matrix but has a length == n
+                          obj <- obj[i]
+                          if(is.factor(obj)) {obj <- factor(obj)}
+                      } else {warning(paste("cannot treat the object",namesOther[counter]))}
+                      return(obj)
+                  } # end f1
+                  res at other <- lapply(x at other, f1) # treat all elements
+              } # end treatOther
+              return(res)
+          })
 # Method show for genind

Modified: pkg/R/handling.R
--- pkg/R/handling.R	2010-05-21 12:23:51 UTC (rev 640)
+++ pkg/R/handling.R	2010-05-21 12:30:25 UTC (rev 641)
@@ -6,150 +6,6 @@
 # T. Jombart
-setMethod("$","genpop",function(x,name) {
-    return(slot(x,name))
-setMethod("$<-","genpop",function(x,name,value) {
-  slot(x,name,check=TRUE) <- value
-  return(x)
-# '[' operator
-## genind
-setMethod("[", "genind",
-          function(x, i, j, ..., loc=NULL, treatOther=TRUE, drop=FALSE) {
-              if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE
-              if (missing(j)) j <- TRUE
-              pop <- NULL
-              if(is.null(x at pop)) { tab <- truenames(x) }
-              if(!is.null(x at pop)) {
-                  temp <- truenames(x)
-                  tab <- temp$tab
-                  pop <- temp$pop
-                  pop <- factor(pop[i])
-              }
-              ## handle loc argument
-              if(!is.null(loc)){
-                  loc <- as.character(loc)
-                  temp <- !loc %in% x at loc.fac
-                  if(any(temp)) { # si mauvais loci
-                      warning(paste("the following specified loci do not exist:", loc[temp]))
-                  }
-                  j <- x$loc.fac %in% loc
-              } # end loc argument
-              prevcall <- match.call()
-              tab <- tab[i, j, ...,drop=FALSE]
-              if(drop){
-                  allNb <- apply(tab, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE) # allele absolute frequencies
-                  toKeep <- (allNb > 1e-10)
-                  tab <- tab[,toKeep, drop=FALSE]
-              }
-              res <- genind(tab,pop=pop,prevcall=prevcall, ploidy=x at ploidy, type=x at type)
-              ## handle 'other' slot
-              nOther <- length(x at other)
-              namesOther <- names(x at other)
-              counter <- 0
-              if(treatOther){
-                  f1 <- function(obj,n=nrow(x at tab)){
-                      counter <<- counter+1
-                      if(!is.null(dim(obj)) && nrow(obj)==n) { # if the element is a matrix-like obj
-                          obj <- obj[i,,drop=FALSE]
-                      } else if(length(obj) == n) { # if the element is not a matrix but has a length == n
-                          obj <- obj[i]
-                          if(is.factor(obj)) {obj <- factor(obj)}
-                      } else {warning(paste("cannot treat the object",namesOther[counter]))}
-                      return(obj)
-                  } # end f1
-                  res at other <- lapply(x at other, f1) # treat all elements
-              } # end treatOther
-              return(res)
-          })
-## genpop
-          function(x, i, j, ..., loc=NULL, treatOther=TRUE, drop=FALSE) {
-              if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE
-              if (missing(j)) j <- TRUE
-              tab <- truenames(x)
-              ## handle loc argument
-              if(!is.null(loc)){
-                  loc <- as.character(loc)
-                  temp <- !loc %in% x at loc.fac
-                  if(any(temp)) { # si mauvais loci
-                      warning(paste("the following specified loci do not exist:", loc[temp]))
-                  }
-                  j <- x$loc.fac %in% loc
-              } # end loc argument
-              prevcall <- match.call()
-              tab <- tab[i, j, ...,drop=FALSE]
-              if(drop){
-                  allNb <- apply(tab, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE) # allele absolute frequencies
-                  toKeep <- (allNb > 1e-10)
-                  tab <- tab[,toKeep, drop=FALSE]
-              }
-              res <- genpop(tab,prevcall=prevcall)
-              ## handle 'other' slot
-              nOther <- length(x at other)
-              namesOther <- names(x at other)
-              counter <- 0
-              if(treatOther){
-                  f1 <- function(obj,n=nrow(x at tab)){
-                      counter <<- counter+1
-                      if(!is.null(dim(obj)) && nrow(obj)==n) { # if the element is a matrix-like obj
-                          obj <- obj[i,,drop=FALSE]
-                      } else if(length(obj) == n) { # if the element is not a matrix but has a length == n
-                          obj <- obj[i]
-                          if(is.factor(obj)) {obj <- factor(obj)}
-                      } else {warning(paste("cannot treat the object",namesOther[counter]))}
-                      return(obj)
-                  } # end f1
-                  res at other <- lapply(x at other, f1) # treat all elements
-              } # end treatOther
-              return(res)
-          })
 # Method truenames for genind

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