[adegenet-commits] r463 - pkg/R

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Tue Nov 10 16:04:55 CET 2009

Author: jombart
Date: 2009-11-10 16:04:55 +0100 (Tue, 10 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 463

First working version of haploPop.

Added: pkg/R/haploPop.R
--- pkg/R/haploPop.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/haploPop.R	2009-11-10 15:04:55 UTC (rev 463)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+## haploPop
+## Simulate only SNPs, allow reverse mutations.
+## - haplo.length: length of simulated haplotypes
+## - mu: substitution rate / nucleotide / year
+## - n.steps: number of generations to simulate
+haploPop <- function(n.steps=10, haplo.length=1e6, mu=0.0001, gen.time=1,
+                     n.snp.ini=10,
+                     Rfunc=function(Nt){max(0, Nt * rnorm(1, mean=1.2, sd=.2))},
+                     pop.ini.size=function(){1e1}, pop.max.size=function(){1e4}, p.new.pop=function(){1e-4} ) {
+    mu <- gen.time * (mu/365)
+    SNP.POOL <- 1:haplo.length
+    createMutations <- function(N){ # L:genome length; N: pop size
+        nb.mutations <- sum(rbinom(N, size=haplo.length, prob=mu))
+        return( sample(SNP.POOL, size=nb.mutations, replace=TRUE) )
+    }
+    assignMutations <- function(myPop, mutations){ # mypop: list of `haplotypes'; mutations: vector of SNPs
+        if(length(mutations)==0) return(myPop)
+        id <- sample(1:length(myPop), size=length(mutations), replace=TRUE)
+        mutations <- split(mutations, id)
+        myPop[as.integer(names(mutations))] <- mapply(c, myPop[as.integer(names(mutations))], mutations, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
+        return(myPop)
+    }
+    evolveOnePop <- function(myPop, myS){ # myPop: pop to evolve; myS: nb of susceptible in the pop
+        ## sample and mutate
+        sampSize <- round(min( Rfunc(Nt=length(myPop)), myS)) # number of strains for next step
+        res <- myPop[sample(1:length(myPop), sampSize, replace=TRUE)] # sample strains
+        res <- assignMutations(res, createMutations(sampSize)) # mutate strains
+        ## possibly create a new pop
+        nbNewPop <- rbinom(1, sampSize, prob=p.new.pop())
+        if(nbNewPop>0){
+            newPop <- sample(listPop, size=nbNewPop, replace=TRUE)
+            listPop <<- c(listPop, newPop)
+            vecS <<- c(vecS, replicate(nbNewPop,pop.max.size()) )
+        }
+        return(list(pop=res, S=myS-sampSize ))
+    }
+    vecS <- pop.max.size() # susceptibles
+    haplo.ini <- sample(SNP.POOL, n.snp.ini, replace=TRUE)
+    listPop <- list()
+    listPop[[1]] <- lapply(1:pop.ini.size(), function(i) haplo.ini) # contains only one population of identical clones to start with
+    ## evolve all populations
+    i <- 1L
+    while(sum(vecS)>0 & i<(n.steps+1)){ # evolve all generations
+        i <- i + 1L # update iterator
+        ## purge non-susceptible pop
+        listPop <- listPop[vecS>0]
+        vecS <- vecS[vecS>0]
+        ## evolve populations of one generation
+        for(j in which(vecS>0)){
+            temp<- evolveOnePop(listPop[[j]], vecS[j])
+            listPop[[j]] <- temp$pop
+            vecS[j] <- temp$S
+        }
+    } # end while
+    res <- listPop
+    class(res) <- "haploPop"
+    res$call <- match.call()
+    return(res)
+} # end haploPop
+## ##################
+## ## print.haploPop
+## ##################
+## print.haploPop <- function(x, ...){
+##     cat("\t\n========================")
+##     cat("\t\n= simulated haplotypes =")
+##     cat("\t\n=  (haploPop object)   =")
+##     cat("\t\n========================\n")
+##     cat("\nSize :", length(x$ances),"haplotypes")
+##     cat("\nHaplotype length :", ncol(x$seq),"nucleotids")
+##     cat("\nProportion of NA ancestors :", signif(mean(is.na(x$ances)),5))
+##     cat("\nNumber of known ancestors :", sum(!is.na(x$ances)))
+##     nbAncInSamp <- sum(x$ances %in% labels(x))
+##     cat("\nNumber of ancestors within the sample :", nbAncInSamp)
+##     cat("\nDate range :", min(x$dates,na.rm=TRUE),"-",max(x$dates,na.rm=TRUE))
+##     ##nUniqSeq <- length(unique(apply(as.character(x$seq),1,paste,collapse="")))
+##     ##cat("\nNumber of unique haplotypes :", nUniqSeq)
+##     cat("\n\n= Content =")
+##     for(i in 1:length(x)){
+##         cat("\n")
+##         cat(paste("$", names(x)[i], sep=""),"\n")
+##         if(names(x)[i] %in% c("seq","call")) {
+##             print(x[[i]])
+##         } else if(names(x)[i]=="xy"){
+##             print(head(x[[i]]))
+##             if(nrow(x[[i]]>6)) cat("    ...\n")
+##         } else cat(head(x[[i]],6), ifelse(length(x[[i]])>6,"...",""),"\n")
+##     }
+##     return(NULL)
+## } # end print.haploPop

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