[adegenet-commits] r507 - pkg/R

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Fri Dec 4 13:13:07 CET 2009

Author: jombart
Date: 2009-12-04 13:13:07 +0100 (Fri, 04 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 507

Generalised all functions. Have to test the stuff.

Modified: pkg/R/dapc.R
--- pkg/R/dapc.R	2009-12-04 11:42:06 UTC (rev 506)
+++ pkg/R/dapc.R	2009-12-04 12:13:07 UTC (rev 507)
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 find.clusters <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("find.clusters")
 ## find.clusters.data.frame
@@ -16,8 +15,8 @@
     if(!require(stats)) stop("package stats is required")
     stat <- match.arg(stat)
     N <- nrow(x)
     min.n.clust <- 2
@@ -27,7 +26,6 @@
     maxRank <- min(dim(x))
     pcaX <- dudi.pca(x, center = center, scale = scale, scannf = FALSE, nf=maxRank)
-     X <- scalewt(x, center=center, scale=scale)
     ## select the number of retained PC for PCA
@@ -150,42 +148,47 @@
+## find.clusters.matrix
+find.clusters.matrix <- function(x, ...){
+    return(find.clusters(as.data.frame(x), ...))
 ## dapc
-dapc <- function(x, pop=NULL, n.pca=NULL, n.da=NULL,
-                 scale=TRUE, scale.method=c("sigma", "binom"), truenames=TRUE, all.contrib=FALSE){
+dapc <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("dapc")
+## dapc.data.frame
+dapc.data.frame <- function(x, fac, n.pca=NULL, n.da=NULL,
+                            center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, var.contrib=FALSE){
-    if(!is.genind(x)) stop("x must be a genind object.")
-    if(is.null(pop)) {
-        pop.fac <- pop(x)
-    } else {
-        pop.fac <- pop
-    }
-    if(is.null(pop.fac)) stop("x does not include pre-defined populations, and `pop' is not provided")
     if(!require(ade4, quiet=TRUE)) stop("ade4 library is required.")
     if(!require(MASS, quiet=TRUE)) stop("MASS library is required.")
+    fac <- as.factor(fac)
-    N <- nrow(x at tab)
+    N <- nrow(x)
     ## PERFORM PCA ##
-    maxRank <- min(dim(x at tab))
+    maxRank <- min(dim(x))
-    X <- scaleGen(x, center = TRUE, scale = scale, method = scale.method,
-                  missing = "mean", truenames = truenames)
+    pcaX <- dudi.pca(x, center = center, scale = scale, scannf = FALSE, nf=maxRank)
-    pcaX <- dudi.pca(X, center = FALSE, scale = FALSE, scannf = FALSE, nf=maxRank)
     ## select the number of retained PC for PCA
         cumVar <- 100 * cumsum(pcaX$eig)/sum(pcaX$eig)
-        plot(cumVar, xlab="Number of retained PCs", ylab="Cumulative genetic variance (%)", main="Genetic variance explained by PCA")
+        plot(cumVar, xlab="Number of retained PCs", ylab="Cumulative variance (%)", main="Variance explained by PCA")
         cat("Choose the number PCs to retain (>=1): ")
         n.pca <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
@@ -204,9 +207,9 @@
      ## PERFORM DA ##
-    ldaX <- lda(XU, pop.fac)
+    ldaX <- lda(XU, fac)
-        barplot(ldaX$svd^2, xlab="Linear Discriminants", ylab="F-statistic", main="Discriminant analysis eigenvalues", col=heat.colors(length(levels(pop.fac))) )
+        barplot(ldaX$svd^2, xlab="Linear Discriminants", ylab="F-statistic", main="Discriminant analysis eigenvalues", col=heat.colors(length(levels(fac))) )
         cat("Choose the number discriminant functions to retain (>=1): ")
         n.da <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
@@ -219,77 +222,119 @@
     res$n.pca <- n.pca
     res$n.da <- n.da
     res$tab <- XU
-    res$pop <- pop.fac
-    res$var.gen <- XU.lambda
+    res$fac <- fac
+    res$var <- XU.lambda
     res$eig <- ldaX$svd^2
     res$disc.func <- ldaX$scaling[, 1:n.da, drop=FALSE]
     res$ind.coord <-predX$x
-    res$pop.coord <- apply(res$ind.coord, 2, tapply, pop.fac, mean)
+    res$grp.coord <- apply(res$ind.coord, 2, tapply, fac, mean)
     res$prior <- ldaX$prior
     res$posterior <- predX$posterior
     res$assign <- predX$class
     res$call <- match.call()
     ## optional: get loadings of alleles
-    if(all.contrib){
-        res$all.contr <- as.matrix(U) %*% as.matrix(ldaX$scaling)
-        res$all.contr <- t(apply(res$all.contr, 1, function(e) e*e / sum(e*e)))
+    if(var.contrib){
+        res$var.contr <- as.matrix(U) %*% as.matrix(ldaX$scaling)
+        res$var.contr <- t(apply(res$var.contr, 1, function(e) e*e / sum(e*e)))
     class(res) <- "dapc"
-} # end dapc
+} # end dapc.data.frame
+## dapc.genind
+dapc.genind <- function(x, pop=NULL, n.pca=NULL, n.da=NULL,
+                 scale=TRUE, scale.method=c("sigma", "binom"), truenames=TRUE, all.contrib=FALSE){
+    if(!is.genind(x)) stop("x must be a genind object.")
+    if(is.null(pop)) {
+        pop.fac <- pop(x)
+    } else {
+        pop.fac <- pop
+    }
+    if(is.null(pop.fac)) stop("x does not include pre-defined populations, and `pop' is not provided")
+    if(!require(ade4, quiet=TRUE)) stop("ade4 library is required.")
+    if(!require(MASS, quiet=TRUE)) stop("MASS library is required.")
+    N <- nrow(x at tab)
+    ## PERFORM PCA ##
+    maxRank <- min(dim(x at tab))
+    X <- scaleGen(x, center = TRUE, scale = scale, method = scale.method,
+                  missing = "mean", truenames = truenames)
+   res <- dapc(X, fac=pop.fac, n.pca=n.pca, n.da=n.da,
+                            center=center, scale=scale, var.contrib=all.contrib)
+    res$call <- match.call()
+    return(res)
+} # end dapc.genind
 # Function print.dapc
 print.dapc <- function(x, ...){
-  cat("\t#########################################\n")
-  cat("\t# Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components #\n")
-  cat("\t#########################################\n")
-  cat("class: ")
-  cat(class(x))
-  cat("\n$call: ")
-  print(x$call)
-  cat("\n$n.pca:", x$n.pca, "first PCs of PCA used")
-  cat("\n$n.da:", x$n.da, "discriminant functions saved")
-  cat("\n$var.gen (proportion of conserved genetic variance):", round(x$var.gen,3))
+    cat("\t#########################################\n")
+    cat("\t# Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components #\n")
+    cat("\t#########################################\n")
+    cat("class: ")
+    cat(class(x))
+    cat("\n$call: ")
+    print(x$call)
+    cat("\n$n.pca:", x$n.pca, "first PCs of PCA used")
+    cat("\n$n.da:", x$n.da, "discriminant functions saved")
+    cat("\n$varn (proportion of conserved variance):", round(x$var.gen,3))
+    cat("\n\n$eig (eigenvalues): ")
+    l0 <- sum(x$eig >= 0)
+    cat(signif(x$eig, 4)[1:(min(5, l0))])
+    if (l0 > 5)
+        cat(" ...\n\n")
-  cat("\n\n$eig (eigenvalues): ")
-  l0 <- sum(x$eig >= 0)
-  cat(signif(x$eig, 4)[1:(min(5, l0))])
-  if (l0 > 5)
-    cat(" ...\n\n")
+    ## vectors
+    sumry <- array("", c(4, 3), list(1:4, c("vector", "length", "content")))
+    sumry[1, ] <- c('$eig', length(x$eig),  'eigenvalues')
+    sumry[2, ] <- c('$grp', length(x$grp), 'prior group assignment')
+    sumry[3, ] <- c('$prior', length(x$prior), 'prior group probabilities')
+    sumry[4, ] <- c('$assign', length(x$assign), 'posterior group assignment')
+    class(sumry) <- "table"
+    print(sumry)
-  ## vectors
-  sumry <- array("", c(4, 3), list(1:4, c("vector", "length", "content")))
-  sumry[1, ] <- c('$eig', length(x$eig),  'eigenvalues')
-  sumry[2, ] <- c('$pop', length(x$pop), 'prior group assignment')
-  sumry[3, ] <- c('$prior', length(x$prior), 'prior group probabilities')
-  sumry[4, ] <- c('$assign', length(x$assign), 'posterior group assignment')
-  class(sumry) <- "table"
-  print(sumry)
+    ## data.frames
+    cat("\n")
+    sumry <- array("", c(5, 4), list(1:5, c("data.frame", "nrow", "ncol", "content")))
+    sumry[1, ] <- c("$tab", nrow(x$tab), ncol(x$tab), "retained PCs of PCA")
+    sumry[2, ] <- c("$disc.func", nrow(x$disc.func), ncol(x$disc.func), "discriminant functions")
+    sumry[3, ] <- c("$ind.coord", nrow(x$ind.coord), ncol(x$ind.coord), "coordinates of individuals")
+    sumry[4, ] <- c("$grp.coord", nrow(x$grp.coord), ncol(x$grp.coord), "coordinates of groups")
+    sumry[5, ] <- c("$posterior", nrow(x$posterior), ncol(x$posterior), "posterior membership probabilities")
+    class(sumry) <- "table"
+    print(sumry)
-  ## data.frames
-  cat("\n")
-  sumry <- array("", c(5, 4), list(1:5, c("data.frame", "nrow", "ncol", "content")))
-  sumry[1, ] <- c("$tab", nrow(x$tab), ncol(x$tab), "retained PCs of PCA")
-  sumry[2, ] <- c("$disc.func", nrow(x$disc.func), ncol(x$disc.func), "discriminant functions")
-  sumry[3, ] <- c("$ind.coord", nrow(x$ind.coord), ncol(x$ind.coord), "coordinates of individuals")
-  sumry[4, ] <- c("$pop.coord", nrow(x$pop.coord), ncol(x$pop.coord), "coordinates of populations")
-  sumry[5, ] <- c("$posterior", nrow(x$posterior), ncol(x$posterior), "posterior membership probabilities")
- class(sumry) <- "table"
-  print(sumry)
-  cat("\nother elements: ")
-  if (length(names(x)) > 13)
-    cat(names(x)[14:(length(names(x)))], "\n")
-  else cat("NULL\n")
+    cat("\nother elements: ")
+    if (length(names(x)) > 13)
+        cat(names(x)[14:(length(names(x)))], "\n")
+    else cat("NULL\n")
@@ -308,15 +353,15 @@
     ## number of dimensions
     res$n.dim <- ncol(x$disc.func)
-    res$n.pop <- length(levels(x$pop))
+    res$n.pop <- length(levels(x$grp))
     ## assignment success
-    temp <- as.character(x$pop)==as.character(x$assign)
+    temp <- as.character(x$grp)==as.character(x$assign)
     res$assign.prop <- mean(temp)
-    res$assign.per.pop <- tapply(temp, x$pop, mean)
+    res$assign.per.pop <- tapply(temp, x$grp, mean)
     ## group sizes
-    res$prior.grp.size <- table(x$pop)
+    res$prior.grp.size <- table(x$grp)
     res$post.grp.size <- table(x$assign)
@@ -330,11 +375,11 @@
 ## scatter.dapc
-scatter.dapc <- function(x, xax=1, yax=2, col=rainbow(length(levels(x$pop))), posi="bottomleft", bg="grey", ratio=0.3, csub=1.2, ...){
+scatter.dapc <- function(x, xax=1, yax=2, col=rainbow(length(levels(x$grp))), posi="bottomleft", bg="grey", ratio=0.3, csub=1.2, ...){
     if(!require(ade4, quiet=TRUE)) stop("ade4 library is required.")
     axes <- c(xax,yax)
-    s.class(x$ind.coord[,axes], fac=x$pop, col=col, ...)
+    s.class(x$ind.coord[,axes], fac=x$grp, col=col, ...)
     add.scatter.eig(x$eig, ncol(x$disc.func), axes[1], axes[2], posi=posi, ratio=ratio, csub=csub)
 } # end scatter.dapc
@@ -353,12 +398,12 @@
         only.pop <- as.character(only.pop)
-        ori.pop <- as.character(x$pop)
-        x$pop <- x$pop[only.pop==ori.pop]
+        ori.pop <- as.character(x$grp)
+        x$grp <- x$grp[only.pop==ori.pop]
         x$assign <- x$assign[only.pop==ori.pop]
         x$posterior <- x$posterior[only.pop==ori.pop, , drop=FALSE]
     } else if(!is.null(subset)){
-        x$pop <- x$pop[subset]
+        x$grp <- x$grp[subset]
         x$assign <- x$assign[subset]
         x$posterior <- x$posterior[subset, , drop=FALSE]
@@ -382,7 +427,7 @@
     newPop <- colnames(x$posterior)
-    x.real.coord <- rev(match(x$pop, newPop))
+    x.real.coord <- rev(match(x$grp, newPop))
     y.real.coord <- seq(.5, by=1, le=n.ind)
     points(x.real.coord, y.real.coord, col="deepskyblue2", pch=pch)

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