[adegenet-commits] r88 - in pkg: R man

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Sun Apr 6 23:01:43 CEST 2008

Author: jombart
Date: 2008-04-06 23:01:43 +0200 (Sun, 06 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 88

Major change to Monmonier: both directions are now expanded at the same time, and it is now possible to loop. 
Also new functionality: the length of the boundary can be specified by the user.Works pretty well. Need to fix an error when unwisely high length are requested.

Modified: pkg/R/monmonier.R
--- pkg/R/monmonier.R	2008-04-06 16:16:35 UTC (rev 87)
+++ pkg/R/monmonier.R	2008-04-06 21:01:43 UTC (rev 88)
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 # function monmonier
-monmonier <- function(xy,dist,cn,threshold=NULL,nrun=1,skip.local.diff=rep(0,nrun),scanthres=is.null(threshold)){
+monmonier <- function(xy, dist, cn, threshold=NULL, bd.length=NULL, nrun=1,
+                      skip.local.diff=rep(0,nrun), scanthres=is.null(threshold), allowLoop=TRUE){
 if(!require(spdep) & !require(ade4)) stop("The package spdep is required but not installed")
 if(!inherits(cn,"nb")) stop('cn is not a nb object')
 if(is.data.frame(xy)) xy <- as.matrix(xy)
@@ -28,11 +29,22 @@
 D <- as.matrix(dist)
 # matrice des distances entre voisins, D
 D <- M*D
 # mettre la valeur seuil, par expl la médiane des différences entre voisins.
 if(is.null(threshold) || threshold<0) {Dlim <- summary(unique(D[D>0]))[5]} else {Dlim <- threshold}
+## handle 'bd.length' / must prevail over threshold.
+if(!is.null(bd.length)) {
+    if(bd.length < 1) bd.length <- 1
+    Dlim <- 0
+    scanthres <- FALSE
+} else {
+    bd.length <- nrow(xy)^2
-  barplot(sort(unique(D)[unique(D) > 0],dec=TRUE),main="Local distances barplot")
+  plot(sort(unique(D)[unique(D) > 0],dec=TRUE),main="Local distances plot",type="l")
   mtext("Dashed line indicates present threshold")
   cat("Indicate the threshold (\'d\' for default): ")
@@ -49,8 +61,8 @@
 # et retourne les coord du milieu M d'un segment AB.
 getNext <- function(D,rang){
 	val <- unique(sort(D,decreasing=TRUE))[rang]
-	A <- which(D==val,TRUE)[1,1]
-	B <- which(D==val,TRUE)[1,2]
+	A <- which(round(D,10)==round(val,10),TRUE)[1,1] # beware: == used on doubles
+	B <- which(round(D,10)==round(val,10),TRUE)[1,2] # beware: == used on doubles
 	xA <- xy[A,1]
 	yA <- xy[A,2]
 	xB <- xy[B,1]
@@ -60,11 +72,12 @@
 	return( list(A=c(A,xA,yA), B=c(B,xB,yB), M=c(xM,yM), val=val) )
-## retourne FALSE si on croise avec une arrete, sinon TRUE
-# M et N definissent le segment d'interet
-# segMat est la matrice des segments connus (arretes)
-# AB est le segment de milieu M ; on le donne pour enlever la comparaison MN vs AB
-# CD est le segment de milieu N ; on le donne pour enlever la comparaison MN vs CD
+## this function returns TRUE if it is ok to draw the segment MN, i.e. if MN does not cross another edge,
+## and FALSE otherwise
+# M and N define the segment of interest
+# segMat is the matrix of all known edges
+# AB is the edge whose middle is M ; given to avoid checking MN vs AB
+# CD is the edge whose middle is N ; given to avoid checking MN vs CD
 checkNext <- function(M,N,A,B,C,D,segMat=allSeg){
         # orientation du segment MN
 	xmin <- min(M[1],N[1])
@@ -129,8 +142,6 @@
           as.double(as.matrix(subsetSeg)), as.double(M), as.double(N), temp,PACKAGE="adegenet")[[6]]
         } else {temp <- 0}
-	# chargement de la fonction C (a commenter une fois dans ade4)
-	#dyn.load('monmonier-utils.so') !!! marche pas, besoin de taballoc
 	# si 1 (au moins une intersection) est retourné, on retourne FALSE, TRUE dans tous les autres cas.
         # on ajoute un controle
@@ -162,71 +173,155 @@
 			D[temp$B[1],temp$A[1] ] <- -1
 	# initialisation
-	temp <- getNext(D,1)
-        firstPoint <- temp
-	if(temp$val<=Dlim) stop(paste('Algorithm reached the threshold value at the first step of run',run))
-	result[[run]]$dir1[[1]] <- temp
-	D[result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$B[1]] <- -1
-	D[result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$A[1]] <- -1
+	currentDir1 <- getNext(D,1)
+        currentDir2 <- currentDir1
+        current.bd.length <- 1
+	if(currentDir1$val<=Dlim) stop(paste('Algorithm reached the threshold value at the first step of run',run))
+	result[[run]]$dir1[[1]] <- currentDir1 # first point dir1
+        result[[run]]$dir2[[1]] <- currentDir2 # first point dir2 (same as dir1)
+	D[result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$B[1]] <- -1 # update D matrix
+	D[result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$A[1]] <- -1 # update D matrix
-	### fonction principale
-	# i est l'indice du résultat, s est l'indice de rang de la différence entre voisin (ordre decroissant)
-	i <- 1
-	s <- 1
-	while(temp$val>Dlim){
-          temp <- getNext(D,s) 
-		if( (checkNext(result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$M,
-                               temp$M,
-                               result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$A[2:3],
-                               result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$B[2:3],
-                               temp$A[2:3],
-                               temp$B[2:3])) & (temp$val>Dlim)){
-			i <- i+1
-			result[[run]]$dir1[[i]] <- temp
-                        # mise à jour matrice des différences
-			D[result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$B[1]] <- -1
-			D[result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$A[1]] <- -1
-			s <- 1
-			# mise a jour des segments
-			allSeg <- rbind(allSeg,c(result[[run]]$dir1[[i-1]]$M,result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$M) ) 
-		} else{ s <- s+1 }
+	### main function
+	## dir1 => i1: result index; s1: index for the rank of the diff. between neighbours (decreasing order)
+        ## dir2 => i2: result index; s2: index for the rank of the diff. between neighbours (decreasing order)
+        i1 <- 1
+	s1 <- 1
+        i2 <- 1
+	s2 <- 2
+        maxS <- length(unique(sort(D)))
+        ## logical handling the exansion of a boundary
+        keepExpanding <- ((current.bd.length < bd.length)
+                          && ((currentDir1$val>Dlim)|(currentDir2$val>Dlim))
+                          && s1 < maxS
+                          && s2 < maxS )
-	} # end dir 1 pour un run donne
-        ## dir 2 ##
-        temp <- firstPoint
+       	while(keepExpanding){
+            hasExpanded <- FALSE
+            currentDir1 <- getNext(D,s1)
+            currentDir2 <- getNext(D,s2)
+            ## first direction (dir1)
+            if( currentDir1$val > Dlim ) {
+                if(checkNext(result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$M,
+                             currentDir1$M,
+                             result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$A[2:3],
+                             result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$B[2:3],
+                             currentDir1$A[2:3],
+                             currentDir1$B[2:3])) {
+                    i1 <- i1+1
+                    result[[run]]$dir1[[i1]] <- currentDir1
+                    ## update the matrix of diff. between neighbours
+                    D[result[[run]]$dir1[[i1]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[i1]]$B[1]] <- -1
+                    D[result[[run]]$dir1[[i1]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[i1]]$A[1]] <- -1
+                    s1 <- 1
+                    ## update existing segments
+                    allSeg <- rbind(allSeg,c(result[[run]]$dir1[[i1-1]]$M,result[[run]]$dir1[[i1]]$M) )
+                    ## add 1 to the boundary length
+                    current.bd.length <- current.bd.length + 1
+                    hasExpanded <- TRUE
+                } else{ s1 <- s1+1 }
+            } # end "if( currentDir1$val>Dlim)"
+            ## second direction (dir2)
+            if( currentDir2$val > Dlim ) {
+                if(checkNext(result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$M,
+                             currentDir2$M,
+                             result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$A[2:3],
+                             result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$B[2:3],
+                             currentDir2$A[2:3],
+                             currentDir2$B[2:3])) {
+                    i2 <- i2+1
+                    result[[run]]$dir2[[i2]] <- currentDir2
+                    ## update the matrix of diff. between neighbours
+                    D[result[[run]]$dir2[[i2]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[i2]]$B[1]] <- -1
+                    D[result[[run]]$dir2[[i2]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[i2]]$A[1]] <- -1
+                    s2 <- 1
+                    ## update existing segments
+                    allSeg <- rbind(allSeg,c(result[[run]]$dir2[[i2-1]]$M,result[[run]]$dir2[[i2]]$M) )
+                    ## add 1 to the boundary length
+                    current.bd.length <- current.bd.length + 1
+                    hasExpanded <- TRUE
+		} else{ s2 <- s2+1 }
+            } # end "if( currentDir2$val>Dlim)"
+            ## update the logical for the while loop
+            keepExpanding <- ((current.bd.length < bd.length)
+                          && ((currentDir1$val>Dlim)|(currentDir2$val>Dlim))
+                          && s1 < maxS-1
+                          && s2 < maxS-1 )
+            ## handle the looping of a boundary
+            if(hasExpanded && (current.bd.length>3) && allowLoop){
+                ## check if the two ends of the boundary can be joined
+                canLoop <- checkNext(result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$M,
+                                     result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$M,
+                                     result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$A[2:3],
+                                     result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$B[2:3],
+                                     result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$A[2:3],
+                                     result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$B[2:3]
+                                     )
+                if(canLoop) {
+                    # add the last, closing segment
+                    result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)+1]] <- result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]
+                    # stop expanding
+                    keepExpanding <- FALSE
+                    # update existing segments
+                    allSeg <- rbind(allSeg,c(result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$M,
+                                             result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$M) )
+                } # end looping of the boundary
+            }
+            ## output for debugging
+            ##cat("\n","s1:",s1,"s2:",s2,"i1:",i1,"i2:",i2,"D1:",
+            ##    currentDir1$val,"D2:",currentDir2$val,"Dlim:",Dlim,
+            ##    "maxS",maxS,"\n")
+	} # end of one given run
+        #### THIS IS NO LONGER USED
+    ##     ## dir 2 ##
+##         temp <- firstPoint
-        result[[run]]$dir2[[1]] <- temp
-        D[result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$B[1]] <- -1
-        D[result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$A[1]] <- -1
+##         result[[run]]$dir2[[1]] <- temp
+##         D[result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$B[1]] <- -1
+##         D[result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$A[1]] <- -1
-        # i est l'indice du résultat, s est l'indice de rang de la différence entre voisin (ordre decroissant)
-        i <- 1
-        s <- 1
-        while(temp$val>Dlim){
-	  temp <- getNext(D,s)
-          if( checkNext(result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$M,
-                        temp$M,
-                        result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$A[2:3],
-                        result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$B[2:3],
-                        temp$A[2:3],
-                        temp$B[2:3]) & (temp$val>Dlim)){
-		   i <- i+1
-                   result[[run]]$dir2[[i]] <- temp
-                   D[result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$B[1]] <- -1
-                   D[result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$A[1]] <- -1
-                   s <- 1
-                   # mise a jour des segments
-                   allSeg <- rbind(allSeg,c(result[[run]]$dir2[[i-1]]$M,result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$M) )		
-          } else{ s <- s+1 }        
-              } # end dir2 for a given run
+##         # i: result index; s: index for the rank of the diff. between neighbours (decreasing order)
+##         i <- 1
+##         s <- 1
+##         while(temp$val>Dlim & (current.bd.length < bd.length)){
+## 	  temp <- getNext(D,s)
+##           if( checkNext(result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$M,
+##                         temp$M,
+##                         result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$A[2:3],
+##                         result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$B[2:3],
+##                         temp$A[2:3],
+##                         temp$B[2:3]) & (temp$val>Dlim)){
+## 		   i <- i+1
+##                    result[[run]]$dir2[[i]] <- temp
+##                    # update the matrix of diff. between neighbours
+##                    D[result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$B[1]] <- -1
+##                    D[result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$A[1]] <- -1
+##                    s <- 1
+##                    # update existing segments
+##                    allSeg <- rbind(allSeg,c(result[[run]]$dir2[[i-1]]$M,result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$M) )
+##                    # add 1 to the bounary length
+##                    current.bd.length <- current.bd.length+1
+##           } else{ s <- s+1 }        
+##               } # end dir2 for a given run
 } # end for all run
-# mise en forme de l'output
-# c'est une liste de la classe monmonier
-# chaque élément correspond à un run, donc à une "frontière" potentielle.
-# l'objet contient aussi le nombre de runs ($nrun) et son propre appel ($call).
+# build the final output
+# this is a list of class monmonier
+# each element correspond to a run, i.e. to a potential boundary
+# the output also contains the number of runs ($nrun) and the matched call ($call).
 for(run in 1:nrun){
 	runname <- paste('run',run,sep='')
@@ -272,75 +367,76 @@
                            method = c('squaresize','greylevel'),sub='',csub=1,possub='topleft',
-if (!inherits(x, "monmonier")) stop("Use only with 'monmonier' objects")
-if(!is.null(variable) & !is.numeric(variable)) stop('If provided, variable must be numeric.\n')
-# call <- as.list(x$call) ## no longer used
+    if (!inherits(x, "monmonier")) stop("Use only with 'monmonier' objects")
+    if(!is.null(variable) & !is.numeric(variable)) stop('If provided, variable must be numeric.\n')
-xy <- x$xy
-cpoint <- 0
-if(cneig>0) {neig <- nb2neig(x$cn)} else {neig <- NULL}
+    xy <- x$xy
+    cpoint <- 0
+    if(cneig>0) {neig <- nb2neig(x$cn)} else {neig <- NULL}
+    if(is.null(variable)){
 	variable <- rep(1,nrow(xy))
 	csize <- 0
 	cpoint <- 1
 	clegend <- 0
-        cneig=cneig,clegend=clegend,csize=csize,cpoint=cpoint,pch=20,pixmap=pixmap,
-        method=method,sub=sub,csub=csub,possub=possub,add.plot=add.plot)
-opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
-for(run in displayed.runs){
+    }
+    s.value(xy,variable,grid=FALSE,include.ori=FALSE,addaxes=FALSE,neig=neig,
+            cneig=cneig,clegend=clegend,csize=csize,cpoint=cpoint,pch=20,pixmap=pixmap,
+            method=method,sub=sub,csub=csub,possub=possub,add.plot=add.plot)
+    opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
+    on.exit(par(mar=opar$mar))
+    par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))
+    for(run in displayed.runs){
         obj <- x[[run]]
-	if(length(col)!=x$nrun) col <- rep(col,x$nrun)
-	if(length(lty)!=x$nrun) lty <- rep(lty,x$nrun)
-	if(length(obj$dir1$values) == 0) stop(paste('Monmonier object of run', run, 'is empty (no point in the path)\n'))
-	if(length(obj$dir1$values) == 1) points(obj$dir1$path[1],obj$dir1$path[2],pch=20,col=col[run],...)
-	else{
-	# ceci gere l'épaisseur des lignes
-	# la ligne la plus large correspond à la plus grande différence entre deux points
-        # comme les deux directions sont gérées séparemment, il en va de meme pour l'epaisseur
-        val.1 <- obj$dir1$values
-        val.2 <- obj$dir2$values
-        n1 <- length(val.1)
-        n2 <- length(val.2)
-        cex.bwd.1 <- ( val.1[1:(n1-1)] + val.1[2:n1] )/2
-        cex.bwd.2 <- ( val.2[1:(n2-1)] + val.2[2:n2] )/2
-        cex.bwd.1 <- cex.bwd.1/max(cex.bwd.1)
-        cex.bwd.2 <- cex.bwd.2/max(cex.bwd.2)
+        if(length(col)!=x$nrun) col <- rep(col,x$nrun)
+        if(length(lty)!=x$nrun) lty <- rep(lty,x$nrun)
+        if(length(obj$dir1$values) == 0) stop(paste('Monmonier object of run', run, 'is empty (no point in the path)\n'))
-		if(add.arrows) {
-                  arrows(obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),1],
-                         obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),2],
-                         obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),1],
-                         obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),2],
-                         lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.1,angle=20,length=0.2,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
-                  if(n2>1) arrows(obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),1],
-                                  obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),2],
-                                  obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),1],
-                                  obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),2],
-                                  lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.2,angle=20,length=0.2,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
-                } else {
-                  segments(obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),1],
-                           obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),2],
-                           obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),1],
-                           obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),2],
-                           lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.1,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
-                  if(n2>1)segments(obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),1],
-                                   obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),2],
-                                   obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),1],
-                                   obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),2],
-                                   lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.2,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
-                }
-	} # end else
-} # end for
+        if(length(obj$dir1$values) == 1 && length(obj$dir2$values) == 1) {
+            points(obj$dir1$path[1],obj$dir1$path[2],pch=20,col=col[run],...)
+        } else{
+            ## ceci gere l'épaisseur des lignes
+            ## la ligne la plus large correspond à la plus grande différence entre deux points
+            ## comme les deux directions sont gérées séparemment, il en va de meme pour l'epaisseur
+            val.1 <- obj$dir1$values
+            val.2 <- obj$dir2$values
+            n1 <- length(val.1)
+            n2 <- length(val.2)
+            cex.bwd.1 <- ( val.1[1:(n1-1)] + val.1[2:n1] )/2
+            cex.bwd.2 <- ( val.2[1:(n2-1)] + val.2[2:n2] )/2
+            cex.bwd.1 <- cex.bwd.1/max(cex.bwd.1)
+            cex.bwd.2 <- cex.bwd.2/max(cex.bwd.2)
+            if(add.arrows) {
+                if(n1>1) arrows(obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),1],
+                                obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),2],
+                                obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),1],
+                                obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),2],
+                                lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.1,angle=20,length=0.2,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
+                if(n2>1) arrows(obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),1],
+                                obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),2],
+                                obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),1],
+                                obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),2],
+                                lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.2,angle=20,length=0.2,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
+            } else {
+                if(n1>1) segments(obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),1],
+                                  obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),2],
+                                  obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),1],
+                                  obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),2],
+                                  lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.1,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
+                if(n2>1)segments(obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),1],
+                                 obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),2],
+                                 obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),1],
+                                 obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),2],
+                                 lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.2,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
+            }
+        } # end else
+    } # end for
 } # end function
@@ -403,8 +499,8 @@
 # function optimize.monmonier 
-optimize.monmonier <- function(xy,dist,cn,ntry=10,return.best=TRUE, 
-                               display.graph=TRUE,threshold=NULL,scanthres=is.null(threshold)){
+optimize.monmonier <- function(xy,dist,cn,ntry=10, bd.length=NULL, return.best=TRUE,
+                               display.graph=TRUE,threshold=NULL,scanthres=is.null(threshold), allowLoop=TRUE){
 # a deplacer dans les arguments si on veut permettre l'optimisation sur un objet existant
 X <- NULL
@@ -426,7 +522,7 @@
 if(is.null(threshold) || (threshold<0)) {Dlim <- summary(unique(D[D>0]))[5]} else {Dlim <- threshold}
-  barplot(sort(unique(D)[unique(D) > 0],dec=TRUE),main="Local distances barplot")
+  plot(sort(unique(D)[unique(D) > 0],dec=TRUE),main="Local distances plot", type="l")
   mtext("Dashed line indicates present threshold")
   cat("Indicate the threshold (\'d\' for default): ")
@@ -440,7 +536,8 @@
 # boucle for obligée pour utiliser aussi pour le cat
 tests <- list()
 for(i in 0:(ntry-1)){
-  tests[[i+1]] <- monmonier(xy, dist, cn.nb,skip=i,scanthres=FALSE,threshold=Dlim)
+  tests[[i+1]] <- monmonier(xy, dist, cn.nb,skip=i,scanthres=FALSE,
+                            threshold=Dlim, bd.length=bd.length, allowLoop=allowLoop)
   cat(paste(1+i," "))
@@ -456,7 +553,8 @@
   } else {
     cat(paste("\nOptimal number of skipped local differences: ",val,"\n"))
     call <- as.list(match.call())
-    exp <- bquote( monmonier(xy=.(call$xy),dist=.(call$dist),cn=.(call$cn),skip=.(val),scan=FALSE,thres=.(Dlim)) )
+    exp <- bquote( monmonier(xy=.(call$xy),dist=.(call$dist),cn=.(call$cn),skip=.(val),
+                             ,scan=FALSE,thres=.(Dlim),bd.length=.(bd.length),allowLoop=.(allowLoop)) )

Modified: pkg/man/monmonier.Rd
--- pkg/man/monmonier.Rd	2008-04-06 16:16:35 UTC (rev 87)
+++ pkg/man/monmonier.Rd	2008-04-06 21:01:43 UTC (rev 88)
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@
   point, the algorithm seeks the highest distance between immediate
   neighbours, and so on until a threshold value is attained. It is
   recommended to choose this threshold from the barplot of sorted local
-  differences: a boundary will likely be indicated by an abrupt decrease
-  of these values.
+  distances: a boundary will likely result in an abrupt decrease
+  of these values.\cr
   When several paths are looked for, the previous paths are taken into
   account, and cannot be either crossed or redrawn. Monmonier's
   algorithm can be used to assess the boundaries between patches of
-  homogeneous observations.
+  homogeneous observations.\cr
   Although Monmonier algorithm was initially designed for Voronoi
-  tesselation, this function generalizes this algorithm to different
+  tesselation, this implementation generalizes this algorithm to different
   connection networks. The \code{optimize.monmonier} function produces a
   \code{monmonier} object by trying several starting points, and
   returning the best boundary (largest sum of local differences). This
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
-monmonier(xy, dist, cn, threshold=NULL, nrun=1,
+monmonier(xy, dist, cn, threshold=NULL, bd.length=NULL, nrun=1,
+skip.local.diff=rep(0,nrun),scanthres=is.null(threshold), allowLoop=TRUE)
-optimize.monmonier(xy, dist, cn, ntry=10, return.best=TRUE,
-display.graph=TRUE, threshold=NULL, scanthres=is.null(threshold))
+optimize.monmonier(xy, dist, cn, ntry=10, bd.length=NULL, return.best=TRUE,
+display.graph=TRUE, threshold=NULL, scanthres=is.null(threshold), allowLoop=TRUE)
 \method{plot}{monmonier}(x, variable=NULL,
 displayed.runs=1:x$nrun, add.arrows=TRUE,
@@ -54,10 +54,14 @@
   \item{cn}{a connection network of class \code{nb} (package \code{spdep})}
   \item{threshold}{a number giving the minimal distance between two
     neighbours crossed by the path; by default, this is the third quartile of all the distances between neighbours}
+  \item{bd.length}{an optional integer giving the requested length of
+    the boundaries (in number of local differences)}
   \item{nrun}{is a integer giving the number of runs of the algorithm, that is, the number of paths to search, being one by default}
   \item{skip.local.diff}{is a vector of integers, whose length is the number of paths (\code{nrun}); each integer gives the number of starting point to skip, to avoid being stuck in a local difference between two neighbours into an homogeneous patch; none are skipped by default}
   \item{scanthres}{a logical stating whether the threshold sould be
     chosen from the barplot of sorted distances between neighbours}
+  \item{allowLoop}{a logical specifying whether the boundary can loop
+    (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE)}
   \item{ntry}{an integer giving the number of different starting points
   \item{return.best}{a logical stating whether the best monmonier object
@@ -142,8 +146,7 @@
 ## try and find the Fst
-temp <- genind2hierfstat(sim2pop)
 # Fst = 0.038

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